Page 85 - 《中国药房》2025年2期
P. 85
邹 杰 ,黄洁莹,王丽娜,杜雯雯,徐 伟(中国药科大学国际医药商学院,南京 211198)
中图分类号 R956;R977.1 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1001-0408(2025)02-0203-05
DOI 10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2025.02.12
摘 要 目的 评价环索奈德(CIC)与布地奈德(BUD)用于我国轻中度支气管哮喘患者维持治疗的经济性。方法 从中国卫生体
行单因素敏感性分析、概率敏感性分析及情境分析。结果 与BUD方案相比,CIC方案的增量成本为9 401.67元,患者可多获得
0.001 3 质量调整生命年(QALYs),增量成本-效果比(ICER)为 6 928 868.26 元/QALY,远超本研究设定的 WTP 阈值(268 074
果较为稳健;情境分析结果显示,当CIC价格降价至159.95元/瓶时,CIC方案具有经济性的概率与BUD方案相当。结论 以3倍我
关键词 环索奈德;布地奈德;支气管哮喘;维持治疗;成本-效用分析
Cost-utility analysis of ciclesonide and budesonide in the treatment of mild to moderate bronchial asthma
ZOU Jie,HUANG Jieying,WANG Lina,DU Wenwen,XU Wei(School of International Pharmaceutical Business,
China Pharmaceutical University,Nanjing 211198,China)
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate the cost-utility of ciclesonide (CIC) versus budesonide (BUD) for the maintenance
treatment of mild to moderate bronchial asthma. METHODS From the perspective of Chinese health service system, a Markov
model was established based on the data from a clinical trial in China and some literature. The cycle length was 1 week, the time
horizon was 60 years. A discount rate of 5% per year was applied. Cost-utility analysis was performed on therapeutic scheme of CIC
and BUD using three times of China’s per capita gross domestic product (GDP) in 2023 as the threshold of willing-to-pay (WTP).
One-way sensitivity analysis, probabilistic sensitivity analysis and scenario analysis were applied to test the uncertainty of basic
analysis. RESULTS Compared with BUD scheme, the incremental cost of the CIC scheme was 9 401.67 yuan, and the incremental
quality-adjusted life years(QALYs) were 0.001 3; incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was 6 928 868.26 yuan/QALY, far
beyond the threshold of WTP 268 074 yuan/QALY. One-way sensitivity analysis showed that the usage, dosage and unit price of
CIC and BUD were parameters that had a significant impact on ICER; probabilistic sensitivity analysis showed that the basic
analysis results were relatively robust; scenario analysis showed that, when the price of CIC reduced to 159.95 yuan/branch, the
probability of CIC scheme having economics was similar to that of BUD scheme. CONCLUSIONS At the current price, CIC is not
economical compared with BUD for the maintenance treatment of mild to moderate asthma, using three times of China’s GDP in
2023 as the threshold of WTP.
KEYWORDS ciclesonide; budesonide; bronchial asthma; maintenance treatment; cost-utility analysis
支气管哮喘(简称“哮喘”)是临床常见的呼吸系统 患者人数将增加至 4 亿 。在我国,哮喘成人发病率为
疾病之一,以喘息、气急、胸闷、咳嗽为主要临床表 4.2%,患病人数达4 570万 。尽管75%以上的哮喘患者
现 [1―2] 。2015 年全球疾病负担研究(Global Burden of 为轻度哮喘,但其中30%~40%都可能发生严重的哮喘
Disease,GBD)公布的数据显示,全球哮喘患者达 3.58 急性发作 。全球哮喘防治创议(Global Initiative for
亿,患病率较1990年增加了12.6%;预计到2025年,哮喘 Asthma,GINA)强调,哮喘的治疗目标是实现哮喘的总
Δ 基金项目 江 苏 省 卫 生 健 康 发 展 研 究 中 心 开 放 课 题(No. 体控制,即既要控制当前症状又要降低未来急性发作的
JSHD2022018) 风险 。目前,我国哮喘的控制情况虽有所进步,但仍不
*第一作者 硕士研究生。研究方向:药物经济学与医疗保险。E- [7]
够理想 。为有效控制症状、降低哮喘患者急性发作风
# 通信作者 教授,博士。研究方向:医疗保险、药物政策。E- 治疗十分必要。
中国药房 2025年第36卷第2期 China Pharmacy 2025 Vol. 36 No. 2 · 203 ·