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          姑丽尼格尔·艾尼瓦尔            1, 2* ,程明霞 ,谢 菡 (1.中国药科大学南京鼓楼医院药学部,南京 210008;
                                                    4 #
                                          3, 4
          药科大学基础医学与临床药学学院,南京 210009;3.南京中医药大学鼓楼临床医学院,南京 210009;4.南京
          大学医学院附属鼓楼医院药学部,南京 210008)

          中图分类号  R969.3;R971+.2      文献标志码  A      文章编号  1001-0408(2025)02-0208-06
          DOI  10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2025.02.13

          摘   要  目的  探讨利多卡因致心脏毒性的临床特征,为临床安全用药提供参考。方法  以“利多卡因”“心脏毒性”“lidocaine”
          行描述性分析。结果  共纳入31篇文献,共计40例患者。40例患者中,男性23例、女性17例;年龄5个月~73岁,包括≤18岁患
          主(15、6、6例);34例患者的用药剂量均符合药品说明书规定;心脏毒性发生时间以用药后1 min~1 h最多(19例),主要症状为心
          动过缓、心房传导速度减慢、房室传导阻滞、窦性停搏等。34例患者经抢救和对症治疗后好转,6例患者死亡。结论  利多卡因致
          心脏毒性可发生在各年龄段,以用药后1 h内为主,主要表现为心律失常、心跳过快或过慢、房室传导阻滞等,且病情严重。临床在
          关键词  利多卡因;心脏毒性;麻醉药;用药安全;文献分析

          Literature analysis of cardiotoxicity caused by lidocaine
          Gulinigeer·Ainiwaer ,CHENG Mingxia ,XIE Han(1.  Dept.  of  Pharmacy,  Nanjing  Drum  Tower  Hospital,
                                              3, 4
                            1, 2
          China  Pharmaceutical  University,  Nanjing  210008,  China;2.  School  of  Basic  Medicine  and  Clinical  Pharmacy,
          China  Pharmaceutical  University,  Nanjing  210009,  China;3.  Nanjing  Drum  Tower  Hospital  Clinical  College,
          Nanjing  University  of  Chinese  Medicine,  Nanjing  210009,  China;4.  Dept.  of  Pharmacy,  Nanjing  Drum Tower
          Hospital, the Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School, Nanjing 210008, China)

          ABSTRACT    OBJECTIVE  To  explore  the  clinical  characteristics  of  cardiotoxicity  caused  by  lidocaine,  and  provide  a  reference
          for  the  safe  use  of  drug  in  clinical  practice.  METHODS  Chinese  and  English  search  terms,  such  as “lidocaine” “cardiotoxicity”,
          were  used  to  search  for  literature  related  to  lidocaine-induced  cardiac  toxicity  from  CNKI,  Wanfang  Data,  VIP,  PubMed  and
          Embase, and conduct descriptive analysis. RESULTS A total of 31 papers were included, with 40 patients. Of the 40 patients, 23
          were  male  and  17  were  female;  ages  ranged  from  5  months  to  73  years,  with  4  patients≤18  years  old,  17  patients  19-59  years
          old,  and  19  patients≥60  years  old. The  main  indications  for  medication  were  surgical  anesthesia (26  cases),  and  the  main  routes
          of  administration  were  intravenous  administration,  nerve  block  anesthesia  and  local  infiltration  anesthesia (15,  6,  6  cases);  the
          dosage of medication for 34 patients complied with the instructions; the most of cardiotoxicity occurred 1 min-1 h after medication
         (19  cases),  and  the  main  symptoms  were  bradycardia,  atrial  conduction  slowing,  atrioventricular  block,  sinus  arrest,  etc. Thirty-
          four  patients  improved  after  resuscitation  and  symptomatic  treatment,  and  six  patients  died.  CONCLUSIONS  Lidocaine-induced
          cardiotoxicity  can  occur  in  all  ages,  mainly  within  1  h  after  administration,  and  is  manifested  as  arrhythmia,  tachycardia  or
          tachycardia,  atrioventricular  block,  etc.,  which  is  severe.  When  using  it  clinically,  it  is  necessary  to  strengthen  pharmaceutical
          monitoring  of  medication  dosage,  administration  route,  toxic  reactions,  etc.;  when  relevant  symptoms  appear,  medication  should
          be stopped promptly and symptomatic treatment should be carried out, to protect the safety of drug use.
          KEYWORDS     lidocaine; cardiotoxicity; anesthetic; safety of drug use; literature analysis

              Δ 基金项目 国家自然科学基金项目(No.72104105)                      利多卡因是中效酰胺类局部麻醉药和Ⅰb类抗心律
             * 第一作者 硕 士 研 究 生 。 研 究 方 向 :临 床 药 学 。 E-mail:

              # 通信作者 副主任药师,硕士生导师,博士。研究方向:临床药                  从而发挥局部麻醉作用。利多卡因于 1948 年在美国获
          学。                           批上市,因具有起效快、组织穿透性强等优点,而被临床

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