Page 19 - 《中国药房》2025年1期
P. 19
基于精益六西格玛管理法的某院PIVAS运营成本-效益管理 Δ
黄 蕾 ,张 慧,耿 洲,施爱明,潘 杰(苏州大学附属第二医院药学部,江苏 苏州 215004)
中图分类号 R952 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1001-0408(2025)01-0013-06
DOI 10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2025.01.03
摘 要 目的 探讨精益六西格玛管理法在某三甲综合医院(以下简称“S医院”)静脉用药集中调配中心(PIVAS)运营成本-效益
管理中的实践与应用效果,为医院PIVAS的运营管理提供借鉴。方法 对S医院PIVAS运营成本-效益实施精益六西格玛管理的5
液使用占比评价全合-肠外营养液配制收益改进效果。结果 与 S 医院 PIVAS 运营成本-效益实施 DMAIC 前比较,实施 DMAIC
后,PIVAS总收益由(471 366.50±9 201.5)元/月上调至(479 679.50±14 320.14)元/月(P>0.05),总成本由(305 878.88±3 201.75)
元/月显著降低至(294 610.59±5 007.33)元/月(P<0.05),PIVAS净收益较实施DMAIC前增加11.83%;员工工作效率、工作质量、
工作满意度显著提高,员工积休天数显著降低,第三方员工离职率由15.0%降低至7.5%;医疗卫生材料成本由(67 826.42±2 812.76)
元/月显著降低至(56 384.33±4 607.67)元/月(P<0.05);全合-肠外营养液配制数量由(1 263.75±135.83)组/月显著增加至
(2 061.25±89.04)组/月(P<0.05),单瓶肠外营养液使用人数占肠外营养液总使用人数的比例由93.25%降低至58.75%,全合-肠
外营养液配制收益较实施DMAIC前上涨63.18%。结论 基于DMAIC实施PIVAS运营成本-效益管理,有助于加强PIVAS的成本
关键词 静脉用药集中调配中心;成本-效益;精益六西格玛管理;全合-肠外营养液
Practice of PIVAS operation cost-benefit management in a hospital based on lean Six Sigma management
HUANG Lei,ZHANG Hui,GENG Zhou,SHI Aiming,PAN Jie(Dept. of Pharmacy, the Second Affiliated
Hospital of Soochow University, Jiangsu Suzhou 215004, China)
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To explore the practice and application effect of lean Six Sigma (LSS) management in the cost-
benefit management of PIVAS operation in a tertiary comprehensive hospital (hereinafter referred to as “S Hospital”), providing
reference for the operation and management of PIVAS in hospitals. METHODS The five steps (define, measure, analyze, improve
and control, i. e. DMAIC) of LSS management were implemented for PIVAS operation cost-benefit of S Hospital, and lean
management was implemented for its cost-benefit management elements (human resource cost, medical and health material cost,
and all-in-one parenteral nutrition preparation income). Several intervention measures including personnel training and performance
assessment, refined management system of consumables, and doctor’s advice package of full parenteral nutrition were developed.
Finally, the overall improvement effect was evaluated by the total benefit, total cost and net benefit of PIVAS. The effects of
human resource allocation optimization and improvement were evaluated by the work efficiency, work quality, job satisfaction,
turnover rate and accumulated rest days. The effects of consumables cost management were evaluated by the amount of medical and
health materials cost. The improvement effects of all-in-one parenteral nutrition preparation income were evaluated by the profit
amount, quantity and the proportion of single bottle of parenteral nutrition. RESULTS After implementing DMAIC in S Hospital,
the total benefit of PIVAS was increased from (471 366.50±9 201.5) yuan/month to (479 679.50±14 320.14) yuan/month (P>
0.05), the total cost was decreased from (305 878.88±3 201.75) yuan/month to (294 610.59±5 007.33) yuan/month (P<0.05),
and the net benefit of PIVAS was increased by 11.83% compared with that before the improvement. The work efficiency, work
quality and job satisfaction of employees were significantly improved, the accumulated rest days were significantly reduced, and
the turnover rate of third-party employees was reduced from
Δ 基金项目 国家卫生健康委医院管理研究所医院药学高质量发 15.0% before the improvement to 7.5% after the improvement.
The cost of medical and health materials significantly
BE2023708) decreased from (67 826.42±2 812.76) yuan/month before
* 第一作者 主 管 药 师 。 研 究 方 向 :药 品 调 剂 。 E-mail: improvement to (56 384.33±4 607.67) yuan/month after
# 通信作者 主任药师,硕士。研究方向:药事管理。E-mail: improvement (P<0.05). The quantity of all-in-one parenteral nutrition was significantly increased from (1 263.75±135.83)
中国药房 2025年第36卷第1期 China Pharmacy 2025 Vol. 36 No. 1 · 13 ·