Page 44 - 《中国药房》2023年3期
P. 44


          李 旭 ,郝 迪,王 梓,李 楠(天津市医药科学研究所,天津 300020)
          中图分类号  R969.1      文献标志码  A      文章编号  1001-0408(2023)03-0294-04
          DOI  10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2023.03.08

          摘   要  目的  研究姜黄素固体脂质纳米粒(Cur-SLN)在大鼠体内的组织分布特点。方法  采用微乳法制备Cur-SLN。将SD大鼠
          随机分为Cur原料药组和Cur-SLN组,每组45只。两组大鼠均单次静脉注射相应药物(以Cur计,注射剂量均为25 mg/kg),分别
          于给药0.25、0.5、1、2、4、6、8、12、24 h时,分离大鼠心、肺、肾和肝组织,采用高效液相色谱法测定Cur在不同组织中的含量,并分析
          其组织分布情况。结果  Cur 在心、肺、肾和肝组织中检测质量浓度的线性范围分别为 0.064 75~129.50、0.064 75~64.75、
          0.064 75~129.50、0.064 75~129.50 μg/mL(r均大于0.99),定量下限均为0.064 75 μg/mL,检测限均为0.012 95 μg/mL;日内、日间
          精密度以及准确度、提取回收率均符合生物样品定量分析的要求。与Cur原料药组比较,Cur-SLN组大鼠心、肾、肺(0.25~24 h各
          时间点)和肝(0.25~1 h、12~24 h各时间点)组织样品中Cur的含量均显著升高(P<0.05或P<0.01);而肝(2~8 h各时间点)组织
          样品中Cur的含量均显著降低(P<0.01)。结论  将Cur制成固体脂质纳米粒后,增加了其在心、肾、肺组织的分布。
          关键词  姜黄素;固体脂质纳米粒;组织分布;大鼠;高效液相色谱法

          Study on tissue distribution of curcumin solid lipid nanoparticles in rats
          LI Xu,HAO Di,WANG Zi,LI Nan(Tianjin  Institute  of  Medical  and  Pharmaceutical  Sciences, Tianjin  300020,

          ABSTRACT    OBJECTIVE  To  study  the  tissue  distribution  characteristics  of  curcumin  solid  lipid  nanoparticles (Cur-SLN)  in
          rats. METHODS Cur-SLN was prepared with microemulsion. SD rats were randomly divided into Cur raw material group and Cur-
          SLN group, with 45 rats in each group. The rats of two groups were injected with the corresponding drugs (by Cur, 25 mg/kg) by
          single intravenous injection. The heart, lung, kidney and liver tisse were separated at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 24 h after
          administration. The  contents  of  Cur  in  different  tissues  were  determined  by  high-performance  liquid  chromatography  method. Their
          tissue distribution was analyzed. RESULTS The linear range of detected mass concentration of Cur in heart, lung, kidney and liver
          tissues  were  0.064  75-129.50,  0.064  75-64.75,  0.064  75-129.50,  0.064  75-129.50  μg/mL,  respectively (all  r>0.99).  The  lower
          limits  of  quantitation  were  all  0.064  75  μg/mL,  and  the  limit  of  detection  were  all  0.012  95  μg/mL.  The  intra-day  and  inter-day
          precision,  accuracy  and  extraction  recovery  were  in  line  with  the  requirements  of  quantitative  analysis.  Compared  with  Cur  raw
          material group, the contents of Cur in heart, kidney, lung (at each time point of 0.25-24 h) and liver tissue (at each time point of
          0.25-1 h, 12-24 h) of samples were significantly increased in the Cur-SLN group (P<0.05 or P<0.01), while the contents of Cur
          in liver tissue (at each time point of 2-8 h) were significantly decreased (P<0.01). CONCLUSIONS After Cur was prepared into
          solid lipid nanoparticles, its distribution in heart, kidney and lung tissues is increased.
          KEYWORDS     curcumin; solid lipid nanoparticles; tissue distribution; rat; high-performance liquid chromatography

              心肾综合征(cardiorenal syndrome,CRS)指心脏和             和肾间质纤维化       [4―5] 。本课题组前期研究发现,Cur还可
          肾脏中一个器官对另一个器官的功能损害不能进行代                             改善 CRS 模型大鼠的心肌肥大、肾功能以及肺组织损
          偿时,形成恶性循环,最终导致心脏和肾脏功能的共同                            伤 。Cur 的生物利用度极低(<1%)且难溶于水(溶解
          损害;其发病机制复杂,心肾纤维化是其终末期的主要                            度为0.6 μg/mL),在生理pH下的吸收和稳定性较差,且
          病理改变,目前尚无特效药物进行治疗                   [1―3] 。姜黄素      代谢快、易消除       [7―8] ,从而限制了其体内研究和临床
         (curcumin,Cur)可减轻血管紧张素Ⅱ诱导的心肌纤维化                      应用。
                                                                  固体脂质纳米粒(solid lipid nanoparticles,SLN)以

              Δ 基金项目 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.81903565);天津市            脂质作为载体材料将药物包裹在其中,可避免药物与外
          科技计划项目(No.21JCYBJC01630);天津市卫生健康科技项目(No.            界环境接触,增加药物的稳定性,延长药物的半衰期,从
          TJWJ2021MS046,No.TJWJ2021QN078)                                           [9―11]
                                                              而提高药物的生物利用度              。本课题组前期采用微乳
             *第一作者 助理研究员。研究方向:基础药理学。电话:022-                                   [12]
          27236137。                    法制备了 Cur-SLN ,现采用尾静脉注射 Cur-SLN 的方
              # 通信作者 助理研究员。研究方向:纳米给药系统。电话:022-                法,观察Cur在大鼠心、肾、肺和肝组织的分布情况,以期
          27236137。                 为Cur-SLN治疗CRS的临床应用提供参考。

          · 294 ·    China Pharmacy  2023 Vol. 34  No. 3                               中国药房  2023年第34卷第3期
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