Page 13 - 《中国药房》2023年3期
P. 13
郑朝臣 ,路 云 ,常 峰,崔翔宇(中国药科大学国际医药商学院,南京 211198)
中图分类号 R95 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1001-0408(2023)03-0263-06
DOI 10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2023.03.02
摘 要 目的 系统梳理地方药品挂网采购的主要做法,为国家和地方完善药品挂网采购政策、药品价格形成机制提供借鉴和参
考。方法 通过检索我国31个省份医疗保障局、药品集中采购平台的官方网站,归纳总结地方药品挂网采购的分类方式和主要目
标,并以主要目标为出发点,分析地方药品挂网采购的主要做法,提出相应建议。结果与结论 各省份药品挂网采购的分类方式有
关键词 药品挂网采购;药品价格形成机制;药品集中采购平台
Analysis and thinking on the practice of local regional drug online procurement in China
ZHENG Chaochen,LU Yun,CHANG Feng,CUI Xiangyu(School of International Pharmaceutical Business,
China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing 211198, China)
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To systemically sort out the main practices of local drug online procurement, so as to provide
reference for national and local governments to improve drug online procurement policies and drug price formation mechanism.
METHODS By searching the official websites of 31 provincial medical security bureaus and drug-centralized procurement
platforms in China, the classification methods and main goals of local drug online procurement were summarized, then the main
practices of local drug online procurement were analyzed based on the main goals, and corresponding suggestion was put forward.
RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS There were two classification methods of online drug procurement in each province, one is based
on online or purchase methods, and the other is based on drug dimensions. Five main objectives of online drug procurement in each
province are to ensure reasonable drug prices, meet clinical drug demand, ensure stable drug supply, cooperate with the
implementation of drug policies, and standardize the behavior of transaction subjects. In order to achieve the five goals, each
province has taken some targeted measures, but the severity of the policy varies greatly. In order to further improve the online drug
procurement policy and improve the market-oriented online drug price formation mechanism, it is suggested to build the top-level
design of online drug procurement, strengthen the management of the price comparison relationship of similar drugs, give full play
to the monitoring function of the drug-centralized procurement platform and establish a national unified drug-centralized
procurement platform.
KEYWORDS online drug procurement; price formation mechanism; centralized drug procurement platform
药品挂网采购是指医药企业的药品在集中采购平 药品采购行为以及完善以市场为主导的药品价格形成
台挂网,同时医疗机构根据药品信息和价格在平台上采 机制等方面发挥着重要的作用。《国务院办公厅关于推
购药品。药品挂网采购在实现药品购销过程和药品价 动药品集中带量采购工作常态化制度化开展的意见》
格的公开透明,完善药品供应保障体系,规范医疗机构 (国办发〔2021〕2 号)指出,省域范围内所有公立医疗机
Δ 基金项目 国家医疗保障局课题——医药价格与采购面临的主
要问题和措施(No.7422000079) 全部所需药品 。在国家严格要求医疗机构网上采购药
*第一作者 硕士研究生。研究方向:医药卫生政策。E-mail: 品的政策背景下,如何完善药品挂网采购政策成为药品
# 通信作者 教授,博士生导师。研究方向:药品价格与采购政策、
卫生技术评估。 此,本文基于各省份发布的药品挂网采购相关文件,探
中国药房 2023年第34卷第3期 China Pharmacy 2023 Vol. 34 No. 3 · 263 ·