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the  medication  list.  Thirdly,  for  the  drugs  included  in  two  data  sources,  researchers  designed  questionnaires  to  investigate  the
          necessity  of  drug-related  gene  testing. According  to  the  scoring  results  of  the  expert  questionnaire,  drugs  with  higher  scores  were
          included  in  the  list.  Data  sources  included  real-world  data (list  of  high  frequency  medication  in  hospitals,  high  frequency
          medication  for  elderly  outpatients  and  inpatients  in  National  Health  Care  Claims  Data,  drugs  related  to  frequent  medication  errors
          and so on) and evidence-based pharmacy evidence (the websites of Clinical Pharmacogenomics Implementation Consortium, Dutch
          Pharmacogenetics  Working  Group,  Food  and  Drug  Administration  and  so  on).  RESULTS The  study  obtain  68  drugs  with  risk
          genetic  information  which  were  included  in  three  data  sources.  Combined  with  23  drugs  proposed  by  the  expert  committee,  a  list
          containing  74  drugs  was  preliminarily  formed  after  de-duplication. A  total  of  37  drugs  included  in  two  databases  with  risk  genetic
          information were scored through the questionnaire survey to form a supplementary list of 26 drugs. This is the final composition of
          the  list  of  100  drugs  developed  in  this  study. Among  them,  there  are  43  drugs  for  the  central  nervous  system,  15  drugs  for  the
          cardiovascular  system,  12  anti-tumor  drugs  and  so  on.  Twelve  drugs  were  included  in  six  or  more  data  sources,  which  mainly
          consisted  of  drugs  for  digestive  system,  all  proton  pump  inhibitors.  CONCLUSION In  this  study,  a  list  of  100  commonly  used
          drugs which require individualized medication for the elderly was developed by evidence-based pharmacy method. The drug list will
          be updated in time as available evidence changes, and can provide guidance for rational use of medicines for elderly patients.
          KEYWORDS     elderly patients; individualization; pharmacogenomics; medication list; evidence-based pharmacy

              全球老龄化人口数量正在快速增长。据世界卫生                           重点专项的支持下,由北京大学第三医院牵头,联合北
          组织统计,2019 年 60 岁及以上人口为 10 亿,到 2030 年                京医院、首都医科大学宣武医院、首都医科大学附属北
          预计增加到 14 亿,到 2050 年将增加到 21 亿 。我国                    京天坛医院和上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院共同
          2020年开展的第七次全国人口普查数据显示,60岁及以                         构建了《药物基因组学指导的老年患者个体化用药目
          上人口达2.64亿,占总人口的18.70%,与2010年相比上                     录》,以期为老年患者安全、合理用药提供参考。
          升了5.44%,人口老龄化程度进一步加深               [2―3] 。随着年龄      1 方法
          的增长,老年人生理功能、疾病状态、药动学等也随之改                           1.1 药物遴选方法概述
          面临诸多挑战       [4―6] 。因此,解决老年人用药的个体差异
                                                              组专家委员会讨论确定的药物,纳入目录;再次,选取 2
          体化药物治疗的重要组成部分 。近些年来,随着人类
                                                              得分高低纳入药物,最终形成包含 100 种药物在内的目
          被发现,药物基因组学的研究得到迅速发展。2015 年,
                                                              录(目录制定路线见图 1)。根据《老年人权益保障法》,
                                                              本研究将老年人定义为 60 岁及以上的人群。药物目录
          相关基因检测提供指导 。编码药物代谢酶、转运体、作
                                                              1.2 数据来源
                                                              1.2.1 循证药学证据
          药风险基因信息对改善当前药物治疗问题、优化药物治                                检索 CPIC 网站(、DPWG 网站
          疗方案和促进临床合理用药尤为重要。将大量体内外研                           (、美国FDA
          究证据转化为临床参考依据,打通现有证据与临床应用之                           网站(
          间的转化路径,是指导老年患者个体化用药的关键。但目                           drugs/table-pharmacogenomic-biomarkers-drug-labeling)、
          前国内尚无老年患者个体化用药的循证临床决策指南。                            PharmGKB网站(、美国老年
              为促进用药风险基因信息的临床应用,进一步优化                          病学会(American Geriatrics Society,AGS)发布的 Beers
          老年人药物治疗方案,助力个体化临床决策,2021 年 2                        标准(2019版) ,以及相关文献和药品说明书,收集需要
          月,在国家重点研发计划“主动健康和老龄化科技应对”                           检测风险基因的药物。以药物通用名为检索词。

          · 258 ·    China Pharmacy  2023 Vol. 34  No. 3                               中国药房  2023年第34卷第3期
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