Page 25 - 《中国药房》2025年1期
P. 25
万素馨 ,孙秋艳,徐才兵,沈 莉,龚红梅,方 伟(重庆大学附属三峡医院药学部,重庆 404010)
中图分类号 R95 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1001-0408(2025)01-0019-05
DOI 10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2025.01.04
摘 要 目的 了解重庆市万州区紧密型医共体(后文简称“医共体”)内药品使用情况及药学服务开展情况,为医共体的下一步建
设提供参考。方法 自行设计调研表并发放至重庆市万州区5家医共体的21家组成单位(5家牵头单位和16家成员单位),从国家
基本药物配备及使用情况、药学专业技术人员配置情况、药学服务开展情况、抗菌药物合理使用情况4个方面开展调研。结果 重
关键词 紧密型医共体;药品使用;药学服务;国家基本药物;抗菌药物
Investigation and analysis of drug use and pharmaceutical care in tight medical alliance in Wanzhou
District of Chongqing
WAN Suxin,SUN Qiuyan,XU Caibing,SHEN Li,GONG Hongmei,FANG Wei(Dept. of Pharmacy, Chongqing
University Three Gorges Hospital, Chongqing 404010, China)
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To investigate the use of drugs and the development of pharmaceutical care in the tight medical
alliance (shorted for “medical alliance”) of Wanzhou District of Chongqing, and provide reference for the further construction of
the medical alliance. METHODS A survey form was designed and distributed to 21 constituent units (5 leading units and 16
member units) of 5 medical alliances in Wanzhou District of Chongqing. The statistical analysis was conducted in aspects of basic
drug allocation and use, pharmaceutical personnel team construction, the development of pharmaceutical care, and rational use of
antibiotics. RESULTS Among the 21 constituent units, 4 leading units and 14 member units achieved the target for the proportion
of essential drug procurement varieties, with a total compliance rate of 85.71%; 4 leading units and 13 member units achieved the
target for the proportion of national essential drug allocation and usage amount, with a total compliance rate of 80.95%. The
proportions of personnel with doctoral degrees in the 5 leading units and 16 member units were 1.71% and 0 respectively, and the
proportions of personnel with senior professional titles were 8.56% and 1.63%, respectively. A total of 5 pharmacy or
pharmaceutical combined outpatient clinics were set up in the 21 medical alliance units, and 5 clinical pharmacy information service
platforms were established; all 5 leading units were able to regularly carry out clinical pharmacy projects, while only 4 out of 16
member units had conducted medical order review and evaluation. The proportions of irrational use of antibiotics in outpatient
prescriptions and inpatient medical records of the 16 member units (4.81%, 5.21%) were significantly higher than those of the 5
leading units (2.80%, 4.00%). CONCLUSIONS The allocation and usage of national essential drugs in 21 constituent units from
Wanzhou District of Chongqing are both in good standing. However, the data on the allocation of pharmaceutical professionals and
the number, qualifications, and job titles of clinical
Δ 基金项目 重庆市卫生健康委员会医学科研项目(No.2024- pharmacists in member units are generally low. Moreover, the
WSJK055) pharmaceutical service projects and service quality in member
*第一作者 主管药师,硕士。研究方向:循证药学。E-mail:
units need to be further improved.
# 通信作者 副主任药师,博士。研究方向:医院药学。E-mail: KEYWORDS tight medical alliance; drug use; pharmaceutical care; national essential drug; antibiotics
中国药房 2025年第36卷第1期 China Pharmacy 2025 Vol. 36 No. 1 · 19 ·