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          陈秋平 ,邵明义 ,张容容 ,陈晓琦(1.河南中医药大学第一临床医学院,郑州 450046;2.河南中医药大学第
          一附属医院消化科,郑州 450000)
          中图分类号  R956;R979.1      文献标志码  A      文章编号  1001-0408(2023)03-0345-06
          DOI  10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2023.03.17

          摘  要  目的  从我国卫生体系角度评价信迪利单抗联合化疗方案对比单用化疗方案一线治疗晚期、复发或转移性食管鳞状细胞
          癌(ESCC)的经济性,为临床合理用药提供参考。方法  基于ORIENT-15研究数据,使用TreeAge Pro 2011软件建立具有无进展生
          同类治疗方案和有慈善赠药方案3种情境下的经济性。结果  基础分析结果显示,与单用化疗方案相比,信迪利单抗联合化疗方
          案的ICER为64 208.75元/QALY,小于WTP阈值。单因素敏感性分析结果显示,PFS状态效用值、信迪利单抗周期成本和贴现率
          对结果的影响相对较大。概率敏感性分析结果显示,当WTP阈值≥120 000元时,信迪利单抗联合化疗方案具有经济性的概率为
          100%。情境分析结果显示,3种情境下的信迪利单抗联合化疗方案均较单用化疗方案更具有经济性。结论  信迪利单抗联合化疗
          关键词  信迪利单抗;食管鳞状细胞癌;紫杉醇;顺铂;成本-效用分析;药物经济学

          Cost-utility  analysis  of  sintilimab  combined  with  chemotherapy  in  first-line  treatment  of  advanced,
          recurrent or metastatic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
          CHEN Qiuping ,SHAO Mingyi ,ZHANG Rongrong ,CHEN Xiaoqi(1.  First  College  of  Clinical  Medicine,
          Henan  University  of  Chinese  Medicine,  Zhengzhou  450046,  China;2.  Dept.  of  Gastroenterology,  the  First
          Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou 450000, China)
          ABSTRACT   OBJECTIVE  To  evaluate  the  cost-effectiveness  of  sintilimab  combined  with  chemotherapy  than  single-use
          chemotherapy in the first-line treatment of advanced, recurrent or metastatic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) from the
          perspective  of  health  system  of  our  country,  and  provide  reference  for  rational  use  of  drug  in  clinic.  METHODS  Based  on
          ORIENT-15  study  data,  TreeAge  Pro  2011  software  was  used  to  establish  a  three-state  Markov  model  of  non-progressive  survival
         (PFS),  disease  progression  and  death  for  cost-utility  analysis.  The  model  period  was  3  weeks,  the  research  time  limit  was  10
          years,  and  the  discount  rate  was  5%.  The  main  outputs  of  the  model  were  total  cost,  quality-adjusted  life  year (QALY)  and
          incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER). The 1-3 times of China’s GDP per capita in 2021 was taken as the threshold of willing-
          ness  to  pay (WTP). The  uncertainty  of  the  parameters  was  analyzed  by  single  factor  sensitivity  analysis  and  probability  sensitivity
          analysis,  and  the  cost-effectiveness  of  the  two  schemes  was  discussed  under  three  situations:  different  discount  rates,  comparison
          with  other  similar  treatment  schemes  and  charitable  drug  donation  schemes.  RESULTS  The  results  of  basic  analysis  showed  that
          compared with chemotherapy plan alone, the ICER of sintilimab combined with chemotherapy was 64 208.75 yuan/QALY, which was
          less  than WTP  threshold. The  results  of  single  factor  sensitivity  analysis  show  that  PFS  state  utility  value,  cycle  cost  of  sintilimab
          and  discount  rate  had  relatively  great  influence  on  the  results.  Probability  sensitivity  analysis  showed  that  when  WTP≥120  000
          yuan,  the  economic  probability  of  sintilimab  combined  with  chemotherapy  plan  was  100%.  The  results  of  situational  analysis
                                                             showed that sintilimab combined chemotherapy was more cost-
             Δ 基金项目 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.82174529)
                                                             effective  than  single-use  chemotherapy.  CONCLUSIONS
             *第一作者 硕士研究生。研究方向:中西医结合防治消化疾病。
                           Sintilimab  combined  with  chemotherapy  is  more  cost-effective
             # 通信作者 主任医师,博士生导师,博士。研究方向:中医药临床                 than  single-use  chemotherapy  in  the  first-line   treatment  of
          疗效评价及消化系统疾病临床研究。            advanced, recurrent or metastatic ESCC.

          中国药房  2023年第34卷第3期                                                 China Pharmacy  2023 Vol. 34  No. 3    · 345 ·
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