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          杨立莉    1, 2* ,李 琦 ,王 辉 ,高瑞龙 ,毛 敏 (1.淄博市中心医院临床药学科,山东 淄博 255036;2.中日
          友好医院药学部,北京 100029;3.淄博市中心医院肾内科,山东 淄博 255036;4.河北省玉田县中医医院药学
          部,   河北 唐山 064100;5.中日友好医院心脏科,北京 100029)
          中图分类号  R969.3;R977.1+5      文献标志码  A      文章编号  1001-0408(2025)02-0214-05
          DOI  10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2025.02.14

          摘   要  目的  为使用恩格列净后出现非高血糖性糖尿病酮症酸中毒(euDKA)的2型糖尿病(T2DM)合并肢带型肌营养不良症
         (LGMD)患者的药学监护提供参考。方法  临床药师参与1例服用恩格列净后出现euDKA的T2DM合并LGMD患者的药学监护
          再次使用恩格列净及其他钠-葡萄糖耦联转运体2抑制剂(SGLT2i)。结果  医生采纳临床药师建议。患者经治疗后病情好转,准
          予带药出院。结论  euDKA是SGLT2i较为罕见且严重的不良反应,而LGMD是euDKA的易患人群。临床药师通过评估euDKA
          关键词  恩格列净;非高血糖性糖尿病酮症酸中毒;肢带型肌营养不良症;2型糖尿病;钠-葡萄糖耦联转运体2抑制剂;药学监护

          Pharmaceutical care for a patient with empagliflozin-induced euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis
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          YANG Lili ,LI Qi ,WANG Hui ,GAO Ruilong ,MAO Min(1.  Dept.  of  Clinical  Pharmacy,  Zibo  Central
          Hospital,  Shandong  Zibo  255036,  China;2.  Dept.  of  Pharmacy,  China-Japan  Friendship  Hospital,  Beijing
          100029,  China;3.  Dept.  of  Nephrology,  Zibo  Central  Hospital,  Shandong  Zibo  255036,  China;4.  Dept.  of
          Pharmacy, Yutian County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Hebei Province, Hebei Tangshan 064100,
          China;5. Dept. of Cardiology, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing 100029, China)
          ABSTRACT    OBJECTIVE To provide a reference for the pharmaceutical care of a patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)
          and limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) who developed euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis (euDKA) after taking empagliflozin.
          METHODS  Clinical  pharmacists  provided  pharmaceutical  care  for  a  patient  with  T2DM  and  LGMD  who  developed  euDKA  after
          taking  empagliflozin.  According  to  the  patient’s  recent  use  of  medications  and  his  conditions,  clinical  pharmacists  assessed  the
          correlation  between  euDKA  and  empagliflozin  as “very  likely”.  As  to  euDKA,  clinical  pharmacists  suggested  discontinuing
          empagliflozin  and  metformin,  and  giving  intravenous  infusion  of  10%  Glucose  injection  instead  of  5%  Glucose  injection  for  fluid
          resuscitation.  Clinical  pharmacists  monitored  the  patient’s  laboratory  indicators  such  as  arterial  blood  gas  analysis,  blood/urine
          ketones  and  electrolytes.  They  assisted  physicians  to  decide  when  to  stop  intravenous  supplements  of  liquid  and  insulin.  Clinical
          pharmacists also assisted physicians to adjust the antidiabetic drugs and educated the patient to avoid empagliflozin or other sodium-
          glucose  linked  transporter  2  inhibitors (SGLT2i).  RESULTS  Physicians  adopted  the  suggestions  of  clinical  pharmacists.  After
          treatment, the patient’s condition improved, and he was allowed to be discharged with medication. CONCLUSIONS  euDKA is a
          relatively  rare  and  serious  adverse  reaction  associated  with  SGLT2i,  and  the  patients  with  LGMD  are  susceptible  to  euDKA.
          Clinical pharmacists assist physicians in developing personalized medication plans by evaluating the association between euDKA and
          empagliflozin, adjusting medication regimens,conducting pharmaceutical monitoring,and other pharmaceutical services. Meanwhile,
          they provide medication education to patients to ensure their medication safety.
          KEYWORDS     empagliflozin; euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis; limb-girdle muscular dystrophy; type 2 diabetes mellitus; sodium-
                                                              glucose linked transporter 2 inhibitor; pharmaceutical care
              Δ  基金项目 山 东 省 药 品 化 妆 品 监 测 哨 点 课 题(No. 2022-
             *第一作者 主管药师,博士。研究方向:临床药学(心血管方向)。
                                                                  恩 格 列 净 为 钠 - 葡 萄 糖 耦 联 转 运 体 2 抑 制 剂

                                                             (sodium-glucose linked transporter 2 inhibitor,SGLT2i),
              # 通信作者 副主任药师,硕士。研究方向:中西药防治心血管疾
          病和药源性疾病。                  是一类新型的口服降糖药物,主要通过抑制肾近端小管

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