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resistance (HOMA-IR) and the natural logarithm of insulin action index(IAI) were calculated; the serum levels of total cholesterol
         (TC),  triglyceride (TG),  low-density  lipoprotein  cholesterol (LDL-C),  high-density  lipoprotein  cholesterol (HDL-C),  aspartate
          transaminase (AST)  and  alanine  transaminase (ALT),  Fe   and  Fe  content,  glutathione (GSH),  malondialdehyde (MDA)  and
          superoxide  dismutase (SOD)  levels,  NADP /NADPH  ratio  and  reactive  oxygen  species (ROS)  were  determined. The  pathological
          morphology  of  its  liver  tissue  was  observed;  the  protein  expressions  of  glutathione  peroxidase  4 (GPX4),  ferritin  heavy  chain  1
         (FTH1),  long-chain  acyl-CoA  synthetase  3 (ACSL3), ACSL4,  ferritin  mitochondrial (FTMT),  and  cystine/glutamate  anti-porter
         (xCT) in the liver tissue of rats were detected. RESULTS Compared with control group, the liver cells in the model group of rats
          showed  disordered  arrangement,  swelling,  deepened  nuclear  staining,  and  more  infiltration  of  inflammatory  cells,  as  well  as  a
          large  number  of  hepatocyte  vacuoles  and  steatosis;  FBG (after  medication),  the  levels  of  TC,  TG,  LDL-C, AST, ALT,  FINS,
          MDA  and  ROS,  HOMA-IR,  Fe   and  Fe  content,  NADP /NADPH  ratio  and  protein  expression  of  ACSL4  were  significantly
          increased or up-regulated, while the levels of HDL-C, GSH and SOD, IAI, protein expressions of GPX4, FTH1, ACSL3, FTMT
          and  xCT  were  significantly  reduced  or  down-regulated (P<0.01).  Compared  with  the  model  group,  both  QG  group  and  Fer-1
          group  showed  varying  degrees  of  improvement  in  pathological  damage  of  liver  tissue  and  the  levels  of  the  above  indicators,  the
          differences  in  the  changes  of  most  indicators  were  statistically  significant (P<0.01  or  P<0.05).  Compared  with  QG  group,  the
          improvement  of  the  above  indexes  of  QG+erastin  group  had  been  reversed  significantly (P<0.01).  CONCLUSIONS  The
          compatibility  decoction  of Astragali  Radix-Puerariae  Lobatae  Radix  can  reduce  the  level  of  FBG  in  T2DM  IR  rats,  and  alleviate  IR
          degree, ion overload and pathological damage of liver tissue. The above effects are related to the inhibition of ferroptosis.
          KEYWORDS     Astragali Radix; Puerariae Lobatae Radix; compatibility; ferroptosis; type 2 diabetes mellitus; insulin resistance

              2 型糖尿病(type 2 diabetes mellitus,T2DM)是一种        黄芪-葛根配伍可显著减轻 T2DM 大鼠 IR 程度,降低大
          由多种原因引起的以慢性高血糖为特点的代谢性疾病,                            鼠空腹血糖(fasting blood glucose,FBG)水平,且黄芪、
          该病具有较高的发病率,作为慢性非传染性疾病对人类                            葛根以质量比2∶1配伍时与降糖相关的主要成分析出最
          健康的影响仅次于肿瘤和心血管疾病 。T2DM可诱发                           多 。本研究通过建立T2DM IR大鼠模型,以黄芪葛根
          多种严重的并发症,甚至导致患者死亡                  [2―3] 。胰岛素抵      配伍水煎液、铁死亡抑制剂ferrostatin-1(Fer-1)及铁死亡
          抗(insulin resistance,IR)和胰岛 β 细胞损伤为 T2DM 的          诱导剂erastin为干预手段,进一步探讨黄芪-葛根配伍对
          主要病理机制。流行病学研究显示,IR作为T2DM发病                          T2DM IR大鼠肝组织铁死亡的影响及其潜在作用机制,
          的病理基础及关键环节贯穿于该病的始终 ,因此积极                            以期为黄芪-葛根配伍防治T2DM IR的临床应用提供科
                                                              1 材料
                                                              1.1 主要仪器
          特征的新型程序性细胞死亡方式 。铁过载和脂质过氧
                                                                  本研究所用主要仪器包括 ACCU-CHEK 型血糖仪
                                                             (罗氏诊断产品有限公司),BIOBASE-EL10A 型自动酶
          T2DM IR在内的多种铁过载相关疾病              [6―7] 。肝脏是储存
          铁的主要部位 ,过量的铁参与氧化还原反应,可产生大
                                                              槽、Tanon-5200 型凝胶成像系统(上海天能科技有限公
          量活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS),引发氧化应
                                                              司),Mini Protean 3 Cell 型电泳仪(美国 Bio-Rad 公司),
          激、脂质过氧化和 DNA 损伤,从而破坏细胞膜成分,损
                                                              TE77XP 型电转仪(美国 Hoefer 公司),PCL20 型全自动
                                                              1.2 主要药物与试剂
          T2DM IR。由此可见,抑制铁死亡可能是缓解T2DM IR
                                                                  黄芪饮片(产地内蒙古,批号 20221101)、葛根饮片
          的有效手段。                                             (产地河南,批号 20220321)均购自北京同仁堂药房;铁
              尽管近年来适用于T2DM的化学药种类日益增多,                         死亡抑制剂 Fer-1、铁死亡诱导剂 erastin(批号分别为
          但其存在明显的副作用(如低血糖风险、胃肠道反应、肝                           132693、20230512,纯度分别为 99.96%、99.75%)均购自
          损害、药物依赖性及继发性失效等),而具有多成分、多                           美国MCE公司;链脲佐菌素(批号S-0130-5G)购自美国
          靶点、多途径特点的中药在T2DM(属消渴症范畴)治疗                          Sigma 公司;高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(high-density lipopro‐
          领域具有一定优势。黄芪-葛根配伍出自《证治汇补》之                           tein cholesterol,HDL-C)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(low-
          黄芪葛根汤,黄芪补气健脾、升阳举陷,葛根生津止渴,                           density lipoprotein cholesterol,LDL-C)、总胆固醇(total
          二者配伍,共奏健脾益气、生津止渴之功,临床多用于治                           cholesterol,TC)、甘油三酯(triglyceride,TG)测试盒,肝
          疗消渴,疗效佳 。本课题组前期通过药效学研究证实,                           功能酶测定试剂盒[货号BC6,检测指标为丙氨酸转氨酶

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