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          中图分类号  R978.1;R714.7      文献标志码  A      文章编号  1001-0408(2025)02-0129-11
          DOI  10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2025.02.01

          摘  要  目的  规范孕产妇围分娩期抗菌药物预防性使用,减少抗菌药物不合理使用。方法  由中国优生科学协会发起、陆军军医
          家共识、文献,针对孕产妇围分娩期特点,分层制定孕产妇围分娩期预防性使用抗菌药物方案推荐意见。结果与结论  共形成了
          关键词  孕产妇;围分娩期;抗菌药物;预防用药;感染;合理用药

          Expert consensus on prophylactic use of antibiotics for pregnant women during peripartum period
          Chinese Eugenics Science Association

          ABSTRACT   OBJECTIVE  To  standardize  the  prophylactic  use  of  antibiotics  for  pregnant  women  during  peripartum  and  reduce
          the  irrational  use  of  antibiotics.  METHODS  Initiated  by  the  Chinese  Eugenics  Science Association,  and  led  by  the  First Affiliated
          Hospital  of  the  Army  Military  Medical  University,  clinical,  pharmaceutical  and  evidence-based  medicine  experts  from  some
          domestic  medical  institutions  jointly  developed  a  tiered  program  of  prophylactic  use  of  antibiotics  during  the  peripartum  period
          aiming  at  the  characteristics  of  pregnant  women  during  the  peripartum  period  by  collecting  relevant  issues,  combining  national
          guiding  documents,  guidelines,  expert  consensus  and  literature.  RESULTS  &  CONCLUSIONS  A  total  of  13  consensus  opinions
          were  formed  on  antibiotic  regimens  for  prophylactic  use  before,  during  and  after  delivery  for  vaginal  delivery,  cesarean  delivery
          and  for  pregnant  women  with  related  complications  or  comorbidities(such  as  obesity,  abnormal  glucose  metabolism,  combined
          autoimmune diseases, etc.). However, to reduce the overall risk of infection in pregnant women, prophylactic use of antibiotics is
          just one of the measures. Medical staff must still pay attention to strict disinfection and standard sterilization, and strictly implement
          balanced nutrition, reasonable control of blood sugar of pregnant women and other comprehensive measures.
          KEYWORDS    pregnant women;peripartum period; antibiotics; prophylactic use; infection; rational drug use

              为促进抗菌药物临床合理应用、遏制细菌耐药,                          要求向全民普及微生物耐药及抗菌药物合理应用知识。
          2015年国家卫生计生委等部门联合发布了《抗菌药物临                             近年来,我国女性的平均生育年龄呈上升趋势,妊
          床应用指导原则(2015版)》 ,并要求采用抗菌药物使用                       娠合并慢性疾病(如糖尿病、免疫性相关疾病、心脏疾病
          强度(antibiotics use density,AUD)、限定日剂量(defined      等)的风险随之增加,孕产妇高危因素也更为复杂 。一
          daily  dose,DDD)、累 计 DDD 数(defined  daily  doses,  般情况下,孕产妇经阴道顺利分娩无需使用抗菌药物;
          DDDs)等相关指标监控、评价抗菌药物的使用情况。                          但若其存在妊娠合并症、并发症(如胎膜早破、心脏疾病
          2022 年,国家卫生健康委等部门发布《遏制微生物耐药                        等)或/和分娩过程中发生特殊情况(如产后出血、严重损
          国家行动计划(2022-2025 年)》,指出我国细菌耐药形                     伤)等,则可能需要预防性使用抗菌药物。研究表明,孕
          势依然严峻,应将“坚持预防为主”列为主要任务之一,                          产妇耐药细菌感染、早期抗菌药物暴露均可对新生儿免
                                                             疫、自身菌群建立和生长发育等造成不良影响                     [3―5] 。因
             Δ 基金项目 重庆市技术创新与应用发展专项重点项目(No.
          CSTB2022TIAD-KPX0173);重庆市2024年优化临床药物治疗路径孵          此,有效管控围分娩期感染风险、合理使用抗菌药物已
          化项目(胎膜早破);北京协和医院中央高水平医院临床科研专项(No.                  成为产科、药剂科的重点工作之一。
          2022-PUMCH-B-075)                                      对于围分娩期预防性使用抗菌药物的问题,部分国
             *第一作者 郑明昱,副主任药师,硕士。研究方向:临床药学(妇
             # 通信作者 常青,主任医师,博士。研究方向:高危产科。E-

          中国药房  2025年第36卷第2期                                                 China Pharmacy  2025 Vol. 36  No. 2    · 129 ·
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