Page 18 - 《中国药房》2025年2期
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王艳翚 ,徐 凯(1. 南京中医药大学养老服务与管理学院,南京 210023;2. 江苏省中医院医务处,南京
中图分类号 R95 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1001-0408(2025)02-0140-06
DOI 10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2025.02.02
摘 要 目的 推动《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》框架下我国中医药传统知识的产业化进程及现代化转型。方法 梳理国际领域
传统知识的保护框架,再分别从传统知识的显性化和传统知识载体的标准化两个领域寻求解决方案。结果与结论 国际社会保护
关键词 中医药;传统知识;专利保护;知识产权
Related issues and responses in the process of industrialization of traditional knowledge of Chinese
WANG Yanhui ,XU Kai(1. School of Elderly Care Services and Management, Nanjing University of Chinese
Medicine, Nanjing 210023, China;2. Medical Services Department, Jiangsu Province Hospital of Chinese
Medicine, Nanjing 210029, China)
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To promote the industrialization process and modernization of traditional knowledge of Chinese
medicine under the framework of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement. METHODS It was done firstly,
to sort out the framework for the protection of traditional knowledge in the international area; and secondly, to respond in the
following two paths, one was the explicitization of traditional knowledge, and the other was the standardization of its carriers.
RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS The goal of protecting traditional knowledge is to facilitate its modernization and accelerate its
industrial utilization at the international level. As one of the countries of origin of traditional knowledge, our response is, to
improve the registration provisions in the Regulations on the Protection of Traditional Knowledge of Chinese Medicine (Draft for
Public Comments), promote the synchronization of both the patent and the standard application of Chinese medicine, and
strengthen the integration of Chinese standardization system with the international one, which will promote the compliance
application of traditional knowledge of Chinese medicine.
KEYWORDS Chinese medicine; traditional knowledge; patent protection; intellectual property
根据《生物多样性公约》(Convention on Biological 日本、韩国、澳大利亚、新西兰以及新加坡、泰国等东盟
Diversity,CBD),传统知识是指“与生物多样性保护及持 10 国共同参与了这一全球最大自由贸易区的启动。
续利用相关的知识”。2022年1月1日,亚洲太平洋地区 RCEP 意在以亚太地区的国际贸易为支点,推动全球经
(以下简称“亚太地区”)《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》 济的增长与发展,以构建现代、全面、高质量和互惠共赢
(Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agree‐ 的经济伙伴关系框架 。鉴于亚太地区生物遗传资源和
ment,RCEP)正式生效。作为协定签署国之一,我国与 传统知识的丰富存量,生物贸易成为 RCEP 关注的重点
Δ 基金项目 江苏省社会科学基金项目(No.23FXB004);四川医事 之一。近年来,在产业转化浪潮牵引下,国际社会对传
卫生法治研究中心-中国卫生法学会 2024 年度联合项目(No.YF24- 统知识的关注由静态的概念研究转向了动态的开发利
Y07);江苏省智慧中医药健康服务工程研究中心开放课题(No. [2]
用 。生物贸易是实现传统知识产业化开发的重要渠
*第一作者 副教授,博士。研究方向:医药知识产权保护。E- 新空间;生物贸易反过来又可以激活传统知识的潜在价
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